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Niki Puspoki

Niki Puspoki Yoga Teacher London

niki püspöki

Studio Manager, Yoga Teacher, Vortex Healing, Reiki Healing

Niki’s classes are a perfect blend of energy and care. You can expect to be challenged both physically and mentally, with sequences that engage your core and build focus. Her warm and friendly approach makes the practice feel supportive, and her passion for helping students grow shines through every session.

Students leave Niki’s classes feeling empowered and connected to themselves, with a deep appreciation for community and yoga’s transformative power. Whether you’re looking to sweat or slow down, she’s got you covered.

Niki teaches the following weekly classes:

Fridays 6.15-7.30pm Warm Nurturing Flow
Saturdays 11.15-12.15pm Warm Dynamic Flow

Niki offers the following treatments:

Vortex Energy Healing
Reiki Energy Healing